Darren & Ebony's Wedding

Such a great mix of nerves, excitement and joy - watching Darren & Ebony unite in marriage was a thrill to be a part of.  Thanks so much guys for the privilege of documenting your commitment to lifelong love for each other before God, family & friends.  So looking forward to seeing his work in your lives throughout the decades ahead!

Ricky & Alison

Awesome day last Saturday documenting the gorgeous wedding of Ricky & Alison!  Great to witness them pledging their commitment to each other for life with their friends and family looking on.  Here's a bunch of shots to tell the story.


This is my daughter's friend Kayla - super nice girl & an awesome artist!  We grabbed a few shots in the nearby countryside the other day - here's 4 of my faves.


Been a bit flat and lacking inspiration lately after we lost our baby a couple of weeks ago.  Here's a couple I've taken when I have picked the camera up.  One thing that amazes me and I think testifies to the existence of a creator is the fact that so much of creation is so beautiful.  I'm sure atheists have an explanation for how that works but I find it impossible not to conclude that this speaks of not just a creator, but an artist.  In a way, photographers aren't so much artists in themselves, but people who capture the great artist's work with a camera.