Starrs farm shoot

Had a very cool afternoon with Dan & Em on Em’s family farm capturing some gorgeous golden light shots today. Watching these little ones grow has been a highlight of our time in Young. Seeing & capturing the obvious connection between the kids and their parents is a blast. They’d never admit it, but these guys are nailing the parenting!

McDonalds Family

These guys are good friends of ours from Coffs. Having them come down to spend a few days seriously filled our hearts with joy - such an awesome encouraging and fun family to spend time with. Grabbed 30 minutes with them on a freezing afternoon to update the family snaps. Lots of snuggles, tickles and laughter on this shoot.

Starrs part 2

Part two of our little session with the starrs saw us head out into the countryside for some gorgeous little shots on sunset. Kids were playing up like crazy, as you can tell. So fun!

The Starrs welcome little Reuben Gilbert George

Got to visit this fresh little guy today & grab some in home shots with his adoring family. Such a mellow little guy - slept the whole way through the chaos erupting around him. Looking forward very much to watching him grow up. Welcome to the world Reuben!

Yvonne & Warwick's 50th anniversary

The foundation of any connected family is usually the marriage of the parents. Saturday saw Vonnie and Wassa celebrating 50 years of marriage in style, surrounded by family and friends. Thankfulness and forgiveness were highlighted as key aspects of their longevity, as well as the love of many around them. These are my parent’s in law, and it’s fantastic to be included in this tribe with them.

The Handels - 2018 update

Yesterday afternoon was a fantastic opportunity to catch up with Tom, Tori & their three insanely cute boys to capture some in home images.  There was lego, bed jumping, tickles, piggybacks, and insanely gorgeous late afternoon light.

The Salauns - 2018 update

An hour at Mylestom beach with a family that's super close to my heart.  And crazy.  They're crazy.  All except one of them.  Here's some shots.

Sam & Bronte & the Nephews & Nieces

Bronte contacted me the other day with an idea.  A family shoot with a twist.  She would surprise her husband Sam with a photo shoot at a cafe.  From there we would head to a headland for some intimate images before their Nieces and Nephews descended on them for cuddles, bubbles & sparklers.  Ok there were tears and there was a bit of rain, but overall we had a blast and got some very fun unique shots.  Here's a few faves.

The Coles Extended

Last weekend I grabbed some shots with Simon, Becky & their 3 kids in the land of glowy grass.  This weekend I got to capture the bigger picture with the whole tribe.  We grabbed some family shots at the beach at the bottom of Mike and Sandy's road, followed by a bunch of candids around swings, coffee & breakfast back at the house.  Here's a few of my favourites.

The Coles

I've known Simon & Becky since they were high school kids.  Sitting on the sidelines watching them connect, get married, have 3 gorgeous wild little kids is pretty awesome.  Grabbing the camera and getting some shots to show their connections was serious fun yesterday.  Here's a few faves.

The Holmes Family

5 years ago I caught up with Toby & Ashleigh to grab some shots of their family.  5 years and 3 kids later we ventured up to a local headland to grab some updated images.  Honestly awesomely lovely family & a massive pleasure to spend time with.  Here's a few faves.

The Davises

It poured with rain today.  But just before that I got to catch up with old friends Mike, Nicole, Carol & their awesome kids/grandkids for some shots at the beach.  Serious energy and fun with these kidlets and it came through in the images.  Thanks for the opportunity guys!

The Burton Family

Catch ups at the beach yesterday with this awesome family was fantastic fun.  It was all about cuddles, tickles and piggybacks in the gorgeous sunrays.  Very very fun - here's a few of my favourite images from the shoot.