The great creator

Have you ever stopped to examine something as everyday and common as a weed? I walked past this while taking out the rubbish this morning. I stopped and thought "What an amazing God! He even makes weeds beautiful and incredible!" I've said it before but have to keep reminding myself - God is the great artist. All we can do with paint brushes and cameras is try to capture what he's already created.


Every man should have a set of these - at least that's what the fashion mags say.  I simply needed a pair of semi formal shoes so grabbed these from ASOS & snapped a shot for experimenting with Topaz's new Detail 3:

Sam & Heather's Wedding

Absolutely loved being a part of Sam & Heather's big day on Saturday. The heat was incredible but celebrating the start of married life for these two exceptional people was a huge privilege! Looking forward to seeing the way that God works in and through them throughout their lives - I'm sure he's got a lot in store!

Josh, Monica & Dominic

Josh and Mon are a great couple from our Church who gave birth to their firstborn Dominic a little earlier this year.  Got a chance to catch up with them for some piccies yesterday - very fun!  Hope you enjoy the shots!

Quick Trip

Deb & I took a super quick trip to Sydney to wish a mate happy birthday.  Left the camera in the bag most of the time, but pulled it out for a few quick shots:

Andrew, El & the Bump

Super cool Jesus loving couple Andrew & El are due in a week!  Got a chance to hang with them for a few hours yesterday & grab some images for the memory box.  It was overcast and rainy for most of the afternoon but the sun came out to give us some magic right at the end of the daylight hours.  Thanks guys, can't wait to meet the little one!