365: Dec 17

Market vendor and child. At the end of a hot day at some hectic local markets in Chang Mai

365: Bangkok

What a crazy city!
I liked this shot for the contrast, but not one of my faves. The guys pinning the sign up were completely unharnessed and a slip would have meant death - the drop down was huge.

Taken at the palace which was full of temples, statues etc - overwhelming amounts of gold idols.
This shot was taken at Kao San Road - completely nuts area we were staying at, filled with backpackers and locals looking to exploit the tourists. This guy was selling crazy glasses and other gimicks.

365: 2 Sunsets

Last two nights in Lanta before heading to Bangkok. The top photo is probably the landscape pic I've most enjoyed taking ever, and I'm really happy with the way it turned out. It will be put up on canvas some time soon. I really struggle with landscape photography, and stuff a lot of shots, but this made it worthwhile. The shot with the palm tree was taken at the front of our resort - such a beautiful place to chill for a week.

365 Continued: Ko Lanta

4 pics from our first week in Thailand at a resort on Ko Lanta. Tried to capture the general feel - relaxation and serenity. And yeah, there'll be a few sunset pics over the ocean but hey - I don't get treated to them in Coffs, might as well make use of them. I was particularly happy with the 3rd shot - taken at a very cool bar on the northern part of the west coast.


Well, only the portrait of Deb is my shot, but thought it perfectly fitting to throw a few on here. Thanks to Simon and everyone who came armed with cameras.

Finally back

After a month of wedding, honeymoon, and Christmas chaos - back to updating the 365 project. These loaded in the wrong order, but took so long that I couldn't be bothered redoing it. A quick explanation of each:

1. Wicker chair. Didn't have a great deal of time for a shot on the 3rd after travelling to Forster and starting to help with reception details. I'll confess, though, that I was really happy with the way this shot turned out. Love shallow dof!
2. Mia. Doesn't need to much explanation - kids and cake =... Love the satisfied expression.
3. Girls. My fave, for sure - managed to duck around to the back of the house at the reception and get a few shots of Deb and the bridesmaids. It was a hectic day, but so much fun! Will put some more wedding shots up soon.
4. Glow. The morning after the wedding night, which we had just spent at the guest house behind us at South West Rocks. It was a fantastic place, and we've already planned our return for our 1st year anniversary.
5. Ring. Crazy day having travelled to KL overnight, slept in a hotel lobby, flown to Krabi, and then jumped on a van for a chaotic 3 hour drive to our resort. This was shot on a car ferry - pics weren't my first priority on this day, but I was happy with this one. The coastline behind sums up the local terrain.

Last Two

About to walk out the door to head down to Forster, get married, head to Thailand on honeymoon! Can't wait!!! Here's a couple of quick shots from the last few days - especially love the one of Eva, of course. See you on the other side, with lots of shots of Thailand!